LIL'S CARE is natural, handmade cosmetics with gentle and effective formulations
designed to bring relaxing moments and peace of mind in self-care.
Made with local, natural ingredients of Bulgarian and organic origin, balanced and combined for natural effectiveness. Carefully selected and researched ingredients create a minimalistic, multifunctional and essential product.
Due to the natural origin of the ingredients and our pursuit of improvement, different products and batches may have slightly different color and texture. This is completely normal and natural.

coming soon

Handmade 100% natural cosmetics with local, Bulgarian ingredients and/or of organic origin. While some ingredients are both, for others there is no such possibility, for example, oils such as jojoba are not from Bulgaria, but are organically certified. We also use eco-friendly packaging with minimal plastic. And the cardboard boxes and the paper filling are a completely recycled product from Bulgaria.
Simple, gentle and effective with selected multifunctional and high quality ingredients. Designed to hydrate, nourish and protect with light and luxurious feel. They have a balanced pH close to the skin's natural pH, so as not to disturb its barrier. Because the skin is our barrier from the world and it is important that we too take care of it.

Your experience, quality and personal approach are priorities of the brand. Share your opinion, what can we improve or ask a question.
I created this brand to share the high quality ingredients and to bring back the popularity of some slightly forgotten and underrated plants from traditional Bulgarian flora.
After a lot of learning and experimenting, I was soon making lovely homemade cosmetics and discovered a passion. Today I am now a proud formulator of organic cosmetics graduated from the British Institute of Formula Botanica, where I expanded my knowledge professionally. I continue to research ingredients and look for new ways to improve the brand and products.
Важна част от мисията на бранда е да олесни грижата за кожата и да носи спокойствие за произхода, ефективноста и качеаството си.
След много пороучвания и експерименти скоро вече правех прекрасна домашна козметика и открих страст. Днес вече съм горд формулатор на органична козметика дипломиран от британския институт Formula Botanica, където допълних знанията си професионално. Продължавам да проучвам съставки, да следя индустрията и да търся нови начини да подобрявам бранда и продуктите.